Monday, June 21, 2010

Eliminate Air Lock In A Heating System


start here: I'll tell you the car (abandoned? Dropped by aliens? Forgot?) Lying in the space of Gheroartè . What if you do not know, now you know that was the site of the first MusiCamp.
Ten compartments for ten photographers , each with its own idea of \u200b\u200bmusic photos. In the past months have proposed many , and the choice was difficult.

The photographers chosen have been shown to "keep" really: we are committed to being an original and one came from Gheroartè until the morning of the event to prepare and complete their work, all beautiful!

It was a real challenge because of a train compartment has no walls, and you have to play to set up fancy! Ribbons coming down from above, open suitcases, plastic nets yards (a gem caught at the last minute stroke of genius!) adhesives and chains. A wonder that you can still admire until the end of the month.

photos only show part of the charm of path along the wagon, that space after the space left open-mouthed all visitors.
If you're in the area do not miss exposure, especially open pm (except Monday), illuminated by lights from the typical train. Very nice to sit and chat with anyone from hanging pictures and memories of past journeys crazy to sleep on the trunk.

Bravi all, living the creative!

With Simone aka Simmessa ( ) , Mirko Bozzato ( ) Sarmax ( Sarmax Flickr ) Masiar Pasquali ( ) Nahuel Martinez ( Bossanostra Flickr ) Geriko ( Wildlife83 Flickr ), Nicola De Chiara ( cdnselection on Tumblr ), Manuel Guastella ( NukAgency FaceBook ) , Nicola Cappiello ( Nick @ JetCafe Flickr ), Dario Sonatore ( Thief wind on Flickr ) for their efforts and all the others (who may have wanted to join the blog FotoMusicale ) and a candidate for next year's event!

During the day the exterior of the car was decorated by the crew of TMSclick that because of the rain could not stop the working day.


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