Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Coach Designer Cake Recipes

@ MusiCamp Special Guest: Jack Jaselli

you like the man rude, funky music and situations hard? And then Jack Jaselli is what you want ... Trust me!

Jack began his musical career began at an early age, a university student arrives at the Civic School of Jazz of Milan, once "great", will collaborate with some types of important radio stations (PlayRadio, VirginRadio) .

His first piece of success, The House in Bali, it becomes one of the 30 tracks del'estate 2007, he won a contest held by Peter Harper (Ben's brother) and earn the passage radio on Radio Deejay.
meeting with Enea Bardi, and Fabrizio Nik Taccori Friggione born Jaselli Jack & Foundation Great Vibes, a band with which he composed his disc esoridio "It's gonna be rough, funky, hard, from today on iTunes.

Jack is more than a musician. First of all, is a philosopher with a lot of qualifications, he's a surfer globetrotter, but what interests us most is that Jack is a true man 2.0 .
With his profile on Facebook , the channel YouTube and, of course, the playlist on MySpace how to become known and appreciated by the general public.

# MusiCamp could not refrain from involving a songwriter as innovative and important.
why Jack and his Foundation will be the guests of musical tip of the day!
Not only that, will also participate in conferences in the morning as raccontanto have used social networks and the web to promote their album.

On June 4 the funky sound of international Jaselli Jack & Great Vibes Foundation will be on air in the most important Italian radio.
But Jack, realizing the importance of the Web has given us the honor to broadcast world premiere his debut album. Want evidence? Listen to the podcast of the episode of Lovlou and Milan - Special # MusiCamp , you can also listen to the single to be released Friday, June 4, I want you! .

We expect you and Jack Saturday, June 19 for the conference, which will start at 10:00.
But even for the great concert of 21:00.

We just have to sing ... "I want you!


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