Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Put Glitter In Drinks

ZazzaDj MusiCamp and live radio event That train for

Here you can listen to the live broadcast of the entire day of MusiCamp held by @ deadmanwriting and sugar @ , who interviewed speakers and people passing through, we were entertained with music and comments, the sun and rain have taken to follow all the MusiCamp almost from the beginning and the end!

Thank you and good!

Here deadmanwriting to the blog post. L ' mp3 of live radio is also downloadable.

[edit] I add that followed the MusiCamp DeeJay for almost the entire day, particularly on the morning of meetings, listening to the speeches of the speakers at the moment and preparing for interviews with ugnuno of them (and also to the organizers - 32 minutes) . Compliments for their work, so precise and fun, varied and extensive.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Eliminate Air Lock In A Heating System


start here: I'll tell you the car (abandoned? Dropped by aliens? Forgot?) Lying in the space of Gheroartè . What if you do not know, now you know that was the site of the first MusiCamp.
Ten compartments for ten photographers , each with its own idea of \u200b\u200bmusic photos. In the past months have proposed many , and the choice was difficult.

The photographers chosen have been shown to "keep" really: we are committed to being an original and one came from Gheroartè until the morning of the event to prepare and complete their work, all beautiful!

It was a real challenge because of a train compartment has no walls, and you have to play to set up fancy! Ribbons coming down from above, open suitcases, plastic nets yards (a gem caught at the last minute stroke of genius!) adhesives and chains. A wonder that you can still admire until the end of the month.

photos only show part of the charm of path along the wagon, that space after the space left open-mouthed all visitors.
If you're in the area do not miss exposure, especially open pm (except Monday), illuminated by lights from the typical train. Very nice to sit and chat with anyone from hanging pictures and memories of past journeys crazy to sleep on the trunk.

Bravi all, living the creative!

With Simone aka Simmessa ( ) , Mirko Bozzato ( ) Sarmax ( Sarmax Flickr ) Masiar Pasquali ( ) Nahuel Martinez ( Bossanostra Flickr ) Geriko ( Wildlife83 Flickr ), Nicola De Chiara ( cdnselection on Tumblr ), Manuel Guastella ( NukAgency FaceBook ) , Nicola Cappiello ( Nick @ JetCafe Flickr ), Dario Sonatore ( Thief wind on Flickr ) for their efforts and all the others (who may have wanted to join the blog FotoMusicale ) and a candidate for next year's event!

During the day the exterior of the car was decorated by the crew of TMSclick that because of the rain could not stop the working day.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


We completed the first MusiCamp #! DJ @

We completed the MusiCamp !
It was a rainy Saturday, one of the first MusiCamp. But you know, a wet camp is a camp lucky.
From 10 am till late at night has increased from more than Gheroartè 250 participants, including dogs and children.

During the day you have followed of six speakers from different :
Lorenzo Losa of Wikimedia Foundation, Association for the spread of free knowledge
Marco "kacio" Caiani of GnuFunk , computer lab open source
Stefano Caschera of Cultur-e , web agency
Francesca Fiorini of RadioNation , web radio contact with Fran Skype Prague
Novaga Daniel and John Ferron, Stereomood , emotional internet radio
Giulio De Luise of Buskerlabel , record label web

Seven groups of various kinds have played and starred in the afternoon:
Band Pachuco
Natan Rondelli Band
GranTurismo Fast
Tequila Funk Experience
crossings and passages of time

the evening's special guest Alessandro Ducommun , Roberto Amadio and Jack Jaselli and finally with DJ sets and Lovlou Dj Dj Nocturnal . In
wagon train in the space of Gheroartè was an exhibition of ten photographs on the theme of music and travel, given the setting.
T-Sound has provided audio, lighting and technical support.
MusiCamp Despite the rain the turnout was constantly interested and curious people from the world of web, music, visual arts and theater, and some came to see us get to know the bike Ciclofficina Gherociclo .

The event was broadcast on

Thanks to ZazzaDj Michele & Michael for having transmitted RadioNation all times of the day, with news of concerts and conferences and interviews with musicians and speakers. They took all the rain, but continued to work with enthusiasm and joy. Thanks!! Thanks to David

Tarasconi that have run the video conference, which will also be published on blogs and myspace. Thanks to Vinz
for moral and technical support.
Thanks to all participants, speakers, musicians, photographers and friends to have participated with great commitment. Thanks
to Gheroartè and all the staff for their efficiency, kindness and participation. Thank
4IT Group for technical support.

If you were at the event and you took a bit ', this is the group MusiCamp Flickr

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Columbus Oh Glory Holes


missing four days to our big day, the field of music we all seek. We remind you that it will start
at 10 am with the conference of Wikimedia, GnuFunk, BuskerLabel, E-Culture, and RadioNation Stereomood, who at 14 will be selected and the group performance (Malomodo, Tin Toys, Pachuco Band, Nathan Rondelli Band, Gran Turismo Veloce, Tequila Funk Experience) and from 20 to 21:30 there will be the play and Passages Passages, inspired by the music of Fabrizio De André. In the early evening we will then
Roberto Amadio, Alex and Jack Ducommun Jaselli.

In closing, from midnight onwards, we will have a very special DJ set by two friends and professionals, and bloggers and regulars of the Net Let's talk about
LovLou and Funky Professor .

LovLou is a journalist, fell in love with Lou Reed, Bob Dylan and Truffaut, he holds a transmission RadioNation dedicated to his city, LovLou @ Milan. It will be in the console MusiCamp alongside Dj Nocturnal.

FunkyProfessor is a web guru, as is often called, has participated in major events, websites and worked as a consultant for the most prestigious companies (excluding If his middle name and prestige) and in his spare time likes to dabble in the console and we will let him do willingly.

Nvidia Network Adapters

Getting to MusiCamp

Soon will be the June 19, the day of MusiCamp . Many groups are organizing or groups of cyclists, but how many and what are the ways to get to the event?

A bike path connects Corsico Porta Genova and along the 'Grand Canal towpath .
opportunity to use half green and know a path in the countryside.
Upon arrival you will be welcomed even by the children of Ciclofficina GheroCiclo and receive a small gift for coming to the event by bike :-)

Porta Genova can be reached from the Cadorna MM2 green line. On find train schedules to achieve Corsico in 8 minutes. From the stop of Corsico Gheroartè to do a piece on foot .

Calculate route with Google Map depending on the point of departure.
better organize small groups where you are coming by car, because the parking spaces will be limited.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Mercedes G Vagon Price

# # How many will be at MusiCamp? Let us know you

missing four days event.
The countdown has started, and there are still some things to do, but first of all:
know how many people will participate in the # MusiCamp.

We must determine as precisely as possible how many you , to have food for everyone.

I are two ways to let us know:
- a comment to this post with your name or nick
- a comment to the thread on FriendFeed: m3ecM

If you plan to come together, or other notes (eg, only morning / afternoon / evening), report it.

:-) Thanks, I'll see to MusiCamp #!
June 19, 2010
Via Gramsci, 4 - Railway station Corsico

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Canadian Quickbooks Product Number

crossings and passages of time

... fragments of time and memories.
Open from the space, looking out doors ajar and spy on the complexity of life and the work of Fabrizio De André. This

try to do the four young actors / musicians dedicated to telling the Genoese singer-songwriter with a language that moves from acting in concert, through readings, moments of drama, music, but especially through the words of Fabrizio. A
table, the bottle of wiskhy, the packet of cigarettes, instruments, music stand, a few elements to create an intimate atmosphere, to enter on tiptoe in his world: a world full of poetry, almost magical, yet Terrigno and concrete, sometimes even ruthless.
to discover that the world is for everyone.

The show moves without the claim to add anything to what has been his work, but with the desire to remember in our own way, creating atmospheres through the theater, leaving room also ironic that pervades many works of Fabrizio. And to his music, performed live.
A rhythmic work, while moving and fun, with the intention of avoiding a simple tribute concert and offer a real journey through the poems and words of Fabrizio.
To return to daily life that sea of \u200b\u200bsplendor, of humanity, truth that has given us.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Skinny Women- Big Boobs

Stereomood @ MusiCamp

to us does not seem true, but the Friends Stereomood have decided to accept our invitation, and will be present with us at the June 19 MusiCamp.
does not seem true, because their design is really brilliant, and who want to come and tell us how it originated and how it works, it looks fantastic. For us who are curious, and for you, that you will have the opportunity to know all live in the front row.

For those who do not know, Stereomood is a new free service for listening and sharing mp3's online that suggests playlist specifically for the situations you are experiencing. (At work, in the kitchen, happy, worried)
It provides its users more than 38,000 songs from the most diverse international blogs (Stereogum, Pitchforkmedia, the Blogotheque among others), a large number of library arranged classification according to a musical mood-oriented : Each track is tagged emotionally Activities organized in mood and playlists generated from tag assigned by the users and their interaction with the application and the same music artists, groups and labels can use as a showcase Stereomood .

also offers a range of tools to share all of this on most Social Networks.

We're not in the skin, Stereomood awaits you with us to Gheroartè, Saturday, June 19 !

Friday, June 4, 2010

Pokemon Heart Gold Helpful Hints

The poster MusiCamp

Here is the poster of the event ! Thanks to @
giovanearrogante E @ ZioGil for taking sleepless nights edition of this masterpiece! You are ready to

# MusiCamp ? It is shortly!

will soon be posted on detailed program of the day. Meanwhile
If you get bored and do not know what to do, download here the application form to carry the card of 'Cultural Association Gheroartè .

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Coach Designer Cake Recipes

@ MusiCamp Special Guest: Jack Jaselli

you like the man rude, funky music and situations hard? And then Jack Jaselli is what you want ... Trust me!

Jack began his musical career began at an early age, a university student arrives at the Civic School of Jazz of Milan, once "great", will collaborate with some types of important radio stations (PlayRadio, VirginRadio) .

His first piece of success, The House in Bali, it becomes one of the 30 tracks del'estate 2007, he won a contest held by Peter Harper (Ben's brother) and earn the passage radio on Radio Deejay.
meeting with Enea Bardi, and Fabrizio Nik Taccori Friggione born Jaselli Jack & Foundation Great Vibes, a band with which he composed his disc esoridio "It's gonna be rough, funky, hard, from today on iTunes.

Jack is more than a musician. First of all, is a philosopher with a lot of qualifications, he's a surfer globetrotter, but what interests us most is that Jack is a true man 2.0 .
With his profile on Facebook , the channel YouTube and, of course, the playlist on MySpace how to become known and appreciated by the general public.

# MusiCamp could not refrain from involving a songwriter as innovative and important.
why Jack and his Foundation will be the guests of musical tip of the day!
Not only that, will also participate in conferences in the morning as raccontanto have used social networks and the web to promote their album.

On June 4 the funky sound of international Jaselli Jack & Great Vibes Foundation will be on air in the most important Italian radio.
But Jack, realizing the importance of the Web has given us the honor to broadcast world premiere his debut album. Want evidence? Listen to the podcast of the episode of Lovlou and Milan - Special # MusiCamp , you can also listen to the single to be released Friday, June 4, I want you! .

We expect you and Jack Saturday, June 19 for the conference, which will start at 10:00.
But even for the great concert of 21:00.

We just have to sing ... "I want you!