Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pinky And Cherokee Free

Roberto Amadio in the Loop Station

Che Roberto Amadè fosse un tipo speciale e intrigante, già lo sapevamo. La musica che suona è carica della sua personalità e sensibilità.
E al MusiCamp Roberto ci ha dato prova del suo talento.
Roberto è il primo dei tre ospiti speciali dell'evento, e sotto le luci del palco ha esordito con Down on my knees , di Ayo, regalando metri quadri di pelle d'oca al suo pubblico.
È timido, o almeno sembra, when he speaks to the microphone to introduce himself. With him was his guitar and Loop Station, a tool that enables you to record live sounds and voices, creating an effect at the time of the choral group.

The effects of a Loop Station used with his compositional skills are spectacular, with chills. The suggestion is extreme and it is hard to distinguish when it ends and begins the recorded voice that live. A technique that allows a single musician to appear a choir, a band, a mixture of voice and instruments without ceasing to amaze and enchant.

Many thanks to Roberto Amadio for being present at the first MusiCamp with a unique and unforgettable performance.

The blog of Roberto Amadio
Roberto Amadio on Myspace


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