Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Shark Birthday Party Wording

only one month!

missing a month MusiCamp , to be held on June 19 to Corsico .
Are you ready to listen to good music?

The event will be structured as follows: MORNING
- nonconferenze on music and the web: it's time to debate the long-awaited, we will discuss the availability of music on the web, from the of the listeners but also the musicians and radio.
AFTERNOON - 2.0 musicians introduce their experiences and then play:)
sera - special guests
NIGHT - dj set

Sign up now to barcamp !
Download the pdf and fill it. You will need to have the gift card at the entrance of the 'Cultural Association Gheroartè .

Did you know that there is a beautiful bike path that runs along the canal? From Porta Genova Gheroartè can you come by bike!
On May 22
publish list of musicians and photographers chosen to perform at the event.

MusiCamp on FaceBook, FriendFeed and Flickr

photos on Flickr   masinutoscana


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