Monday, May 31, 2010

My Dog Has Seizures When Excited

The train Gheroartè

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Senior Week Houses Nj

Special Guest @ MusiCamp: Alessandro Ducommun

him with his accent more pronounced and whiskey in hand, wherever the door 'dark atmosphere of the various provinces. With his strong voice and sarcastic charms, amuses, moves listeners old and new. And with his pianist Andrey Kutov seems to be one. Voice and piano, a combination that seems created just for them.
Alessandro Ducommun @ Enosud - FotoMusicale blog

Alessandro Ducommun is a special guest who will play the MusiCamp , Saturday, June 19, Corsico. Also known as Bacchus
the Fool, played in the taverns of the worst northern Italy, his voice hoarse from smoke and alcohol, his head crammed full of notes and words, his hands moving rasta a tuft from his forehead.
We all know ' Enosud , where she sang more than once, accompanied by a great pianist.
In February 2010 he released his last album, "Small animals .

Alessandro promotes his music through the site , Myspace , FaceBook and YouTube .

Alessandro Ducommun @ Musicamp, June 19, 2010 in Corsico
It also speaks FotoMusicale

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Attractive Small Penis


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Everyday Minerals Concealer Swatches

Special Guest @ MusiCamp: Roberto Amadio

Eyes: Dark, deep and sincere, from Gypsy, manages to engage you when he speaks of his life. Roberto is a fascinating contradiction: there is a clear break between the memories of the homeland and its independent spirit, wandering, and ideal tension between visual and musical artistic expression.
A gypsy in love with painting and music - Laura Albergante

Roberto Amadio is one of the special guest who will play at MusiCamp June 19, Corsico.

is a young singer-songwriter and musician, and we immediately involved in the event: Roberto is a sensitive and creative boy, his songs are full of sweet and bitter emotions, and passion for music , the ' art and life transpire from its beautiful melodies.
We wanted to invite Robert for this very reason, and for his ability to bring together people on the net, especially on FaceBook , where he chats with his many loyal fans and invites to its events.

In particular, Robert is having success with the film " The land blood "which he composed the entire soundtrack, while his first album," All charms of life ", is coming.
promotes his music through Myspace , FaceBook and YouTube and he immediately showed great enthusiasm!

We'll hear :-)
Roberto Amadio @ Musicamp, June 19, 2010 in Corsico
It also speaks FotoMusicale

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hysterectomy Wait Times In London, Ontario

Here are the musicians playing

After many plays crossed, drumming on the pillow at night, thinking ... etc
Here are the names of the musicians who will play at # MusiCamp, the protagonists of the event! The band

guests (not necessarily in this order):
GranTurismo fast
Nathan Rondelli Band
Tequila Funk Experience
The Band Pachuco

Lifestream replaced by TinTOYS

We also thank the their application:
(b) ananartista
- The Gray Rose - Kabutermanneken - Propane - Keng and all groups that have sent their material!

Please note that the organization has provided MusiCamp # JamSession an hour, so if you want to play anyway, you can do it!

See you June 19 @ Gheroartè!
Mucha mierda!

What To Text A Scorpio Guy

Here are the photographers who exhibit!

Hello everyone!
just missing the appointment with the railroad car of Gheroartè!
Photographers exhibit at # MusiCamp , June 19, 2010, were chosen.

Here are the names of the participants!
Simone aka Simmessa -
Mirko Bozzato -
Sarmax - Sarmax Flickr
Masiar Pasquali - www.rock . it
Nahuel Martinez - Bossanostra Flickr
Geriko - Wildlife83 Flickr
Nicola De Chiara - cdnselection on Tumblr
Manuel Guastella - NukAgency FaceBook
Nicola Cappiello - Nick @ JetCafe Flickr
Dario Sonatore - Thief wind on Flickr

Special thanks also to: George
Vianini - Serena - Emiliano Boga - Vanoli aka David jewins - Chiara A. Galli aka cat-o ' - Umberto Ceriani - diabbolo - Sebastian aka traveler - Joseph World - Stefano Buldrini - Elena Sartorari - Gialnuigi Calcaterra - Fabio Mancini and Starfoocker for participating in the initiative.
We hope to recover in the race next year!

See you June 19!

Friday, May 21, 2010

What Are The Colors In Order On Cubefield

Jam Session!

# MusiCamp Dear friends!
After receiving quite a few emails that were offered individual musicians to play with a makeshift band, the organization has decided to devote a whole hour to freedom of expression. So JAM SESSION !

Il 19 giugno dalle 19 alle 20 i gruppi che non sono stati selezionati per suonare ufficialmente, tutti i musicisti single che si sono candidati sperando di incontrare l'anima gemella e tutti gli ospiti che avranno voglia di prendere in mano uno strumento potranno farlo!

Al vostro arrivo troverete il corner della jam session in cui scoprirete i nomi dei vostri compagni di giochi musicali. Vi accorderete tra di voi liberamente e deciderete se fare cover, improvvisare, o quel diamine che vi passa per la testa.

Per riuscire a coordinarvi vi chiediamo solo di mandarci una mail con oggetto "JAM SESSION" descrivendoci come vorrete partecipare (portate strumenti? quanti? what? you want someone to pay you anything? etc ...)

We look forward to many!

Pictures David Wetzel

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Shark Birthday Party Wording

only one month!

missing a month MusiCamp , to be held on June 19 to Corsico .
Are you ready to listen to good music?

The event will be structured as follows: MORNING
- nonconferenze on music and the web: it's time to debate the long-awaited, we will discuss the availability of music on the web, from the of the listeners but also the musicians and radio.
AFTERNOON - 2.0 musicians introduce their experiences and then play:)
sera - special guests
NIGHT - dj set

Sign up now to barcamp !
Download the pdf and fill it. You will need to have the gift card at the entrance of the 'Cultural Association Gheroartè .

Did you know that there is a beautiful bike path that runs along the canal? From Porta Genova Gheroartè can you come by bike!
On May 22
publish list of musicians and photographers chosen to perform at the event.

MusiCamp on FaceBook, FriendFeed and Flickr

photos on Flickr   masinutoscana